Review management and email marketing

Implement a marketing strategy that will continually work for you.

Background Element
Harvest Creative
Harvest more customers

Having a high average rating and substantial amount of positive reviews isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. You will lose customers before they even make it in the door if you have a low rating and poor reviews. We use a proprietary screening system to encourage only positive reviews for your business. We then actively push people through our review process to increase your business’ visibility and attract customer traffic.

67% of customers are influenced by online reviews
Harvest Creative
Harvest more from each customer

The key to successful email marketing is segmentation and personalization. We segment your audience by their preferences and then build a schedule around your weekly, monthly and special event promotions to ensure your customers are receiving information they find valuable. Imagine turning one customer visit into five customer visits using the power of email.

Harvest Creative
How it works

We are firm believers that a structured process yields consistent results.

  1. You are matched with a Customer Success Expert who will act as your guide.
  2. Our Customer Success Expert will then walk you through our process to gather all information and prepare your unique review management and email marketing strategy and plan.
  3. We put your new customized review management and email marketing plan in motion.

Harvest Creative